Questions about titanium Finger Print Rings
These are just some of the questions we've received regarding the Finger Print Rings. If you can't find the answers to your questions here, please email us on info@fingerprintrings.co.za.
Can I have my fingerprint ring in gold or silver?
Yes but we advise against it. Gold and silver are soft metals and a fingerprint requires fine lines and delicate engraving. Titanium offers us the opportunity to engrave in high detail without running the risk of fading. Unlike titanium, gold and silver won't maintain a clear and visible fingerprint indefinitely.
Can I collect my ring?

We are strictly an online portal and only send our rings via trusted courier services. Delivery in major cities happen within a day or two of the ring being sent. Outlying areas could take longer depending on where you are located. ​
How long does it take?
Once we've received your order and payment, we need 2 weeks to complete the ring​. Woodel inlay and teflon rings often take longer - depending on the complexity of the ring.
Can you engrave a fingerprint on a ring that I already have?
No, we strictly only engrave on titanium rings that we make ourselves. We carrying the responsibility of the ring until it has been completed and the fingerprint engraved. If something happens to a ring that we haven't made, we cannot always re-make it according to the same specs.
Can I have more than one fingerprint engraved on my ring?
Yes, we can engrave up to 3 fingerprints per ring. This does however affect the cost of the ring.​